G16framework Media Productions | Agency Vista

G16framework Media Productions

25 reviews

G16framework Media Productions

25 reviews

Founded 2012 · Toronto  · https://g16frameworkmedia.com/

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When visitors come to your website, they are not a blank slate. They carry the sum total of their life experiences to date. This includes attitudes, irrational impulses, subtle anxieties, and conscious beliefs, as well as unconscious assumptions. So since you have less than 5 seconds to impress them when they visit, your website must be relevant at all time to meet the overall goals of web usability 1.Decrease the time it takes visitors to finish tasks 2. Reduce the number of mistakes visitors are likely to make 3. Shorten visitors’ learning time 4. Improve visitors’ satisfaction with your site 5. Fix website unclear Call-to-Action 6. Do not write in complete sentences—use short bullet lists whenever possible 7. Ask only for information that is absolutely required.

November 29, 2022

Will the Design of Your Site Support Your Content or Distract from It? When visitors first open a web page, statistics show they decide whether to stay within the first 6 to 8 seconds. Indicating that a decision is made in a split second. The decision that might break or make the success of your brand. Given that short time, you can understand the importance of web design. Two of its tasks are to convey the feel and purpose of the site and to focus your attention by drawing the eye of the incoming visitors to what’s important on your website. If visitors get the wrong feel or focus on the wrong material, the greater the chance they’re going to hit the back button. Many small businesses haven’t thought enough about their brand or their style, and they rely on a web designer to come up with it for them. You need to have these concepts in your mind before starting a web design. As you can thoughtfully imagine, web design is about effective communication of what you have got to offer with a style of deliverability that is paramount to the success of any brand online. If you have a business and want it to connect with your prospective customers, let the professional make it happen for you without causing you an arm and a leg.

March 21, 2022

At some point, your website will crash: The hard drive on the server will die, someone will accidentally erase some files, or a database will get corrupted. These are rare occurrences, but when the problem surfaces they become catastrophes only if you haven’t properly backed up your website. The hosting companies are not legally responsible for getting your content back to where it was. Backups are your responsibility, not that of the hosting provider. The reason why you need a professional website developer is to help scale down the stress of maintaining and keeping your site up-to-date and from the prying eyes of hackers. GET IN TOUCH WITH US TODAY

March 17, 2022

Good design reduces the effort of reading as much as possible thereby encouraging readership and understanding. Readers respond to consistent page structure, but not filling up the entire space with graphic or content in the phase of impressing the reader with sheer quantity of information. Excessiveness and superfluity are those recipes you would like to eliminate from any kind of design concept to avoid overwhelming your reader with over-fullness of contents and graphics. Information needs to be accessible and appealing thereby paving the way to subtle page absorbability. The visual simplicity, vast area of emptiness and a short title or headline arouse the reader's willingness to read your content without hesitation. As a website designer, I always consider brevity over superfluity because design must convey the definition of elegance as opposed to an abundance of busy, overproduced design work which might not in the long run be appealing. Excellence of design is, in fact, in direct proportion to its simplicity and clarity. Space design attracts readers, if you go through the pages of any newspaper you will find wall-to-wall ads, utilizing the whiteness of the paper to attract attention and which is a good approach of expressing the idea of the ad. Have a new project in mind, let's help design an eye-catching website for your business today.

March 27, 2022

E-COMMERCE WEBSITE Works Only Under These Conditions In today’s ever-evolving marketplace, buyers want to be able to explore information on all their devices from any location. They explore retail stores, the web, print and broadcast outlets, customer events, and so on, and all in a nonlinear process. What you need to do is to anticipate the potential contact points and provide content for each one. When you and your team meet to discuss the ways you’re going to interact with your audience, you believe that you know where to engage them, and the best way to engage your potential or about to be converted -to-lead customers is to have a powerful e-commerce website and quality content-rich web solution that possess the following qualities: » Fast response to inquiries and complaints » A simple purchasing process » Ability to track orders in real-time » Clarity and simplicity of product information across channels » The ability to interact with the company via multiple channels 24/7 As you can see, the customers wanted fast, simple, always-on interactions. No friction, no delay. If you have a business and want it to connect with your prospective customers', let the professional make it happen for you without causing you an arm and a leg.

March 18, 2022

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